La Grange 3

Laundry and Dry Cleaning Pick-Up & Delivery Service in La Grange, IL



Laundry Done In Just Three Simple Steps:

Laundromat Online Account

Create an Account Online

Creating an account only takes 2 minutes.
Handle all your order details online.

Circle Image

Choose Your Pickup & Delivery Dates

Use the service only as often as you need to.  No subscriptions!

Laundromat Does Your Laundry For You

Sit Back & Relax

Why do laundry every weekend?
Treat yourself, and do something fun instead.



Laundry Service Pricing

Per Pound

**$40 Minimum Order (Roughly 16-17 pounds)

One Time
Per Pound

**$40 Minimum Order (Roughly 16-17 pounds)

Try our convenient pick up and delivery service today. Perfect for busy families and individuals.

Laundry List offers a variety of pickup and delivery laundry services in La Grange, IL and the surrounding areas. These pickup and delivery laundry services include dry cleaning, and commercial laundry. Our laundromat services the following La Grange zip code: 60525. Our wash and fold laundry service provides top notch service and the online scheduling makes it a snap to schedule residential and commercial orders.

While we do your laundry why not explore La Grange. Gather your friends for a great night of painting at the Bottle & Bottega Painting with a Twist! Whether you are just having a night out or throwing a special event, you can create a one-of-a-kind masterpiece or at least a fabulous memory with friends.

For outdoor fun, take your family to La Grange Park District! Whether you are part of sports league or want to spend outdoor time with preschoolers, there are programs for every age and all skill levels!

After a long day of exploring, enjoy an international cuisine dinner at Marco's Restaurant. Whether by land or by sea, Marco has a delectable delight for any palate!

Enjoy yourself! Laundry List is taking care of your laundry!